Provençal is a romance language and part of the indo-European language group.
Provençal is one of several dialects of Occitan (lenga d'òc), and is the dialect spoken in Provence.
If you have any additional Provençal phrases/corrections in any dialect, then you can comment here.
See the Lords prayer in French for a comparison with provençal, and other romance languages: Corsican, Italian, Galician, Portuguese.
Que toun noum se santifique,
Paire que siés dins lou cèu ;
Que toun règne pacifique
Sus la terro vèngue lèu
Que ta volounta se fague,
Eiçavau coume eilamount ;
Que ta gràci vuei nous trague,
Lou pan que nous fai besoun
Coume perdounan perdouno,
Tóuti nòsti mancamen ;
E pauras quand nous pounchouno,
Gardo-nous dóu mau, Amen.
De nuech, lei cats (ou toi cats) son gris. By night, all cats are grey. A French/Provençal (and other varieties of Occitan) dictionary.
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