Albanian has around 7 million speakers and is the official language of Albania. It is also spoken in Kosovo. The standard form is merged from two main dialetcs, Gheg and Tosk. There are also Albanian speakers scattered throughout Europe in particular in Greece.
Albanian holiday phrases ordered by topic.
A few first words. 1, A few first words. 2, Buying things. General phrases, Colours, Communication problems, Conversation. Introductions, Conversation. Small talk, Conversation. Small talk. The weather, Countries and nationality, Days of the week, Directions. 1, Directions. 2, Eating phrases, Emergencies, Family, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 1, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 2, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 3, Fruit and vegetables, Getting around. 1, Getting around. 2, Health, Months of the year, Numbers. 1 to 10, Numbers. 11 to 20, Numbers. 20 to 100, Parts of the body, Sightseeing, Somewhere to stay, Time. Words to do with food. General, Words to do with food. Meat.
Albanian phrases arranged by topic. An English/Albanian dictionary.
Smart Albanian. A free Albanian course for beginners on youtube.
Albanian translating services (who translated the Albanian phrases found on SL).
Albanian is an Indo-European language in a branch by itself.