Test yourself on the Yiddish Numbers from 1 to 10.
Numbers. 11 to 20, Numbers. 30 to 1000.
A few first words. 1, A few first words. 2, Animals, Common Nouns 1, Common Nouns 2, Common Nouns 3, Common Yiddish Words. 1, Common Yiddish Words. 2, Conversation. Introductions, Conversational General. 1, Conversation. General. 2, Conversation. Filler words, Conversation. Expressions. 1, Conversation. Expressions. 2, Countries, Describing things. Colours, Describing things. Adjectives, Days. General, Days of the week, Family members, Food words, Food words. Fruit, Food words. General, Food words. Vegetables, Months of the year, Numbers. 1 to 10, Numbers. 11 to 20, Numbers. 30 to 1000, Health, Parts of the body, Places and buildings, Proverbs. 1, Proverbs. 2, Proverbs. 3, Question and size words, Talking about family, Time, The house, Useful words.