Romanian prepositions
Prepositions are those fiddly little words like 'to, of, from', and frankly they are a nuisance in the romance languages.
I find them difficult in Italian, and no easier in Romanian.
As you learn the Romanian
sentences on Surface languages, these
basic explanations will help identify them and understand how their use in specific situations.
Using and rearranging the existing sentence structures, it is possible to speak (more or less) correctly before understanding much of Romanian grammar.
The preposition la
The preposition
la can mean both 'at' and 'to'.'
Am lucrat la birou | I worked at the office |
Am plecat la serviciu | I went to work |
Îi văd mereu la cafenea | I always see them at the café |
M-am întâlnit cu prietenii la cafenea | I met friends at the cafe |
Am fost la pub | I was at the pub |
Astăzi am fost la cinematograf | Yesterday, I went to the cinema |
The preposition în
The preposition
în 'in'.'
Where the preposition
în is followed by
un or
o it becomes
Lucrez într-un restaurant | I work in a restaurant |
Am stat într-un hotel lângă plajă | I stayed in a hotel by the beach |
Ea lucrează într-un hotel | She works in a hotel |
It is used with countries (in a similar way to Italian).
Ea a fost în concediu în Germania | She was on holiday in Germany |
Am fost în Franța în urmă cu trei ani | I went to France three years ago |
Sunt în Anglia | I am in England |
It is used with cities (to describe where you or other people live).
Părinți mei locuiesc în Pari | My parents live in Paris |
În vară am petrecut două săptămâni în Londra | I spent two weeks in London in the summer |
There are other frequently used terms where
în translates as 'in the'.
Îl văd des pe acel bărbat în parc | I often see that man in the park |
Pregătesc micul dejun în bucătărie | I make breakfast in the kitchen |
Lucrez în centrul orașului | I work in the centre of the city |
Specific phrases with în
These are some frequently used phrases where
în is used differently to the English. Rather than wondering why or trying to figure out reasons it is easier just to learn them.
Am ieșit în oraș la ora 6 seara | I went to the centre of the city at six |
Ea a fost în concediu în Germania | She was on holiday in Germany |
The preposition de 'of,from'
The preposition
de has varying uses, and it is easy to become overwhelmed by these when starting to learn Romanian.
One solution is too start by identifying and learning examples used in specific situations.
Specific phrases with de
The construcion
De cât timp has a literal meaning of 'from what time' but in the sentences is translated more naturally as 'how long'
And the reply is 'I've been doing something from a year (ago)'.
De cât timp ... | From what time ... |
De cât timp locuiește în Germania? | How long has he lived in Germany? |
De cât timp înveți limba engleză? | How long have you been learning English? |
... de un an | ... from a year |
Învăț limba română de un an | I've been learning Romanian for a year |
There are some Romanian examples
(This grammatical construcion is similar to the Italian
Da quanto tempo ... ).