Possessive adjectives are words such as my, your and so on, used in phrases like my car or your house.
Possessive adjectvies in Polish change depending on the noun being described, and whether it is masculine, feminine, neuter, singular, plural, male or non male.
And so there is quite a lot of variety.
It is difficult to learn grammatical rules, but much easier to learn sentences which can help to recognise when and why a certain rule is applied or adjective used.
The most common use of possessive adjectives in normal speech is my and your in the nominative, that is (generally) as the subject of the sentence.
My brother lives in Madrid | Mój brat mieszka w Madrycie |
This short man is my father | Ten niski mężczyzna to mój ojciec |
My sister lives in Paris | Moja siostra mieszka w Paryżu |
My parents are on holiday again | Moi rodzice znów są na wakacjach |
Do you know where my keys are? | Czy wiesz, gdzie są moje klucze? |
Polish makes a distinction in the plural between nouns which are men and those which aren't, as can be seen with 'my parents' and 'my keys'.
Your keys are on the table | Twoje klucze są na stole |
Your parents are nice | Twoi rodzice są mili |
Where is your favourite restaurant | Gdzie znajduje się twoja ulubiona restauracja? |
I visited my parents | Odwiedziłem moich rodziców |
Jego 'his', jej 'her' and ich 'their' don't change. Some examples of (invariable) possessive adjectives from the Polish sentences:
His house has a large garden | Jego dom ma duży ogród |
Her bank is in the centre of town | Jej bank mieści się w centrum miasta |