
Surfacelanguages contains words, phrases and expressions in many different languages along with audio, flashcards and some language learning games.

The words and phrases you will find here (and there are thousands) cover many of the common situations that you are can encounter on holiday, travelling, or if you just want to break the ice with your neighbour ...

Surfacelanguages is a site celebrating the diversity of language and languages and the enjoyment of learning enough in many different languages rather than fluency in any particular one.

My Blog for what may be added to SL in the future, and other general musings.

Surface languages was set up by me, moon face, in 2009 and I have been developing it since then, as and when time permits.

I have the goal of adding phrases in all existing languages. Recognising that this is unrealistic, I'll just carry on doing the best I can and seeing how far I can get in one lifetime :)

If you have any comments, suggestions, or kind words, drop me a line on Kind words.

I do my best to reply, but sometimes mail just disappears. So if you expect a reply, and don't get one, try contacting me again.

Besos and baci.
