What now?


It’s been over a year since I last posted, which even for me is impressive, and as to why, well, I had other things going to occupy me. One of which has young and needy paws.

As a quick 2023 language recap, I decided to improve my French … and did.

And as to this year, I’m putting French to one side, and improving my Spanish, Italian and secret language.

And one other project. I have history in making grand announcements and not following through, so if I’m still pursuing this idea in four weeks, I’ll let you know.

With luck, I’ll let you all know how it goes, with an update in four weeks …

Besos, baci et pax.


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4 Responses to What now?

  1. Majka says:

    Hi! I cannot help but draw your attention to the fact that you called Belarusian “white Russian.” Belarusian translates into English as White Ruthenian, not Russian. This may not seem important, but in the current situation, when Russia is systematically destroying Belarusian culture and language, I must ask for this to be changed.

    • moonface says:

      Thank you for your comment.

      I try and keep politics out of this site – apart from the UK Tory government who I feel qualified to criticise and who are a bunch of self serving idiots. That said, I’m no supporter of the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine and proxy war against other countries. But, in english from England (I can’t comment about english as used in the United States), White Russian *was* the word used to describe the language Belarusian. Obviously, Belarusian *is* now used. I’ve left white Russian for historical purposes, as it is the word I have heard and read historically. If, I start hearing White Ruthenian used (and this is unlikely as it doesn’t come up in conversation as we say Belarusian), then I will change the page – eventually – as by and large I barely touch this site nowadays.

      I don’t think anyone ever sees these pages anyway!


  2. Majka 2.0 says:

    Hi! Thanks for the reply.

    Since you mentioned Ukraine, I want to point out that you’re being inconsistent by not writing “Ukrainian aka Little Russian”. I don’t know why anyone would insist on perpetuating Russian narrative that reduces both Belarusian and Ukrainian to Russian dialects, but do as you wish.

    Byvaj! Over and out.

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