Learn some Swedish

Swedish is a North Germanic language.

Basic Swedish phrasesLearn

Swedish holiday phrases ordered by topic.

Basic Swedish phrases. 1Learn

Swedish Numbers. 1 to 10Learn

Swedish Days and seasons Learn

Swedish Months Learn

Fruit Learn

Food words. General Learn

The Lords Prayer in Swedish

Fader vår

Fader vår, som är i himmelen!
Helgat varde ditt namn;
tillkomme ditt rike;
ske din vilja,
såsom i himmelen, så ock på jorden;
vårt dagliga bröd giv oss i dag;
och förlåt oss våra skulder,
såsom ock vi förlåta dem oss skyldiga äro;
och inled oss icke i frestelse, utan fräls oss ifrån ondo.

The Swedish Language

Swedish has two genders common and neuter. These are labelled (t) and (n) in the phrases.

These are not related to the masculine and feminine genders of many romance languages, but rather are the remnant of a system with three genders. Two of these (masculine and feminine) have merged to become the common gender (t).

Definite and indefinite articles

Common gender nouns have the indefinite article en and neuter nouns the article ett.

The Swedish definite article is a suffix (added to the end of the noun).

For the common gender, it is en. An example is, det här är hunden 'this is the dog', with hund becoming hunden 'the dog'.'

For the neuter gender the definite article is et, for example, brev 'letter' becomes brevet 'the letter'.


Swedish is a North Germanic language and related to the following which are further divided into East and West Scandinavian branches.

Swedish holiday phrases

A few first words. 1, A few first words. 2, Bathroom. Items found in the bathroom, Bedroom. Items found in the bedroom, Buying things. General phrases, Buyings things. Useful words, Countries, Communication problems, Conversation. Introductions, Conversation. Small talk. 1, Conversation. Small talk. 2, Conversation. Filler words, Conversation. Small talk. Sport, Conversation. Small talk. The weather, Days. General, Days of the week and seasons, Describing things. Colours, Describing things. Adjectives, Directions. 1, Directions. 2, Eating items, Eating phrases. 1, Eating phrases. 2, Emergencies, Family, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 1, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 2, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 3, General words, Getting around. General phrases, Getting around. Train and bus, Getting around by taxi, Getting around by car, Health, Household items, Money, Months of the year, Numbers. 1 to 10, Numbers. 11 to 20, Numbers. 30 to 1000, Parts of the body, Places and buildings. 1, Places and buildings. 2, Question and size words, Sightseeing, Somewhere to stay. 1, Somewhere to stay. 2, Special occasions, Sport, Time, The house, Useful words, Useful words to recognize, Words to do with food. General, Words to do with food. Fruit, Words to do with food. Meat, Vegetables.


Swedish phrases ordered by topic.
An outline of Swedish grammar found in the Wiki.

Language family

North Germanic
